Update Procedure

Directory Sync updates are sometimes released to address vulnerabilities, fix bugs, and add new features.

Install updates as soon they are released. You will receive notification from IIJ whenever an update is released.

[ Note ]

IIJ will not be liable for any issues related to old versions of Directory Sync starting 6 months after an update of Directory Sync is released.

  1. Log in as the Linux user used for scheduled Directory Sync executions.
  2. Temporarily disable the Directory Sync job registered in the job scheduler.

    Example: Temporarily disable the job that executes Directory Sync every day at 3:30.
    $ crontab -e
    ### Comment out the Directory Sync job
    # 30 3 * * * /opt/IIJ_ID_Service_Directory_Sync/bin/normal_mode.sh
  3. Back up the Directory Sync configuration files.

    Specify the backup directory in accordance with your environment.

    $ cp -rp /opt/IIJ_ID_Service_Directory_Sync/config {backup directory}
  4. Archive the old version of Directory Sync and then extract the new version of Directory Sync to /opt/.

    Archive the old version using an archive directory, such as /var/tmp, in accordance with your environment. Delete the archived version of Directory Sync as necessary.

    [ Reference ]

    Change to a user with a write privilege for the /opt/ directory.

    # mv /opt/IIJ_ID_Service_Directory_Sync /var/tmp/
    # tar -xvzf IIJ_ID_Service_Directory_Sync.tar.gz -C /opt/
  5. Configuring Access Control to the Directory Sync Installation Folder

    If necessary, change the permissions settings of the directory into which Directory Sync is installed for the user that will execute Directory Sync.

    Example: Configure the system so that the user iij-taro can execute Directory Sync.
    # chown -R iij-taro:iij-taro /opt/IIJ_ID_Service_Directory_Sync/
  6. Restore the configuration files.

    Allow the overwrite if the system asks you to confirm the overwrite operation.

    $ cp -rp {backup directory}/config/* /opt/IIJ_ID_Service_Directory_Sync/config/
  7. Enable the Directory Sync job registered in the job scheduler.

    Example: Enable the job that executes Directory Sync every day at 3:30.
    $ crontab -e
    ### Uncomment the Directory Sync job
    30 3 * * * /opt/IIJ_ID_Service_Directory_Sync/bin/normal_mode.sh