Event ID: 12546 Retreived user from Active Directory/LDAP Server can not saved to cache. 

1.User with duplicate external IDs exists

The following event is output to Event Viewer.

Log LevelMessage

Retreived user from Active Directory/LDAP Server can not saved to cache.

[ERROR] [LDAP USER] externalId is duplicate.Previous: (User name), Next: (User name)


A user with duplicate external IDs exists.


Configure attribute values that do not cause duplication of user external IDs.

2.User with duplicate user IDs exists

The following event is output to Event Viewer.

Log LevelMessage

Retreived user from Active Directory/LDAP Server can not saved to cache.
[ERROR] [LDAP USER] userName is duplicate. Previous: (User name), Next: (User name)


A user with duplicate user IDs exists.


Configure attribute values that do not cause duplication of user IDs.

3.Active Directory user whose Active Directory attribute set to "External ID" and "ID" of IIJ ID User is empty exists in the Directory Sync setting

The following event is output to Event Viewer.

Log LevelMessage

Retreived user from Active Directory/LDAP Server can not saved to cache.

#<ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::ConstraintException: NOT NULL constraint failed: ad_users.user_name: INSERT INTO "ad_users" ("dn", "external_id", "family_name", "given_name", "active", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)>


An Active Directory user whose Active Directory attribute set to "External ID" and "ID" of IIJ ID User is empty exists in the Directory Sync setting.

Because "External ID" and "ID" are required as IIJ IDs, values must be set.


Check the Directory Sync configuration file (config.yml) and check the following setting values.

  • iid.scim.attribute.user.ad_bind.externalId (External ID)
  • iid.scim.attribute.user.ad_bind.userName (ID)

These values are Active Directory attributes that are set to "External ID" and "ID" of the IIJ ID User.

Set values to the relevant Active Directory attributes or exclude the relevant user from the Directory Sync synchronization target.