Event ID: 12808 SCIM response error.

1.Creation of a user with a domain name that is not registered with IIJ ID was attempted

The following event is output to Event Viewer.

Log LevelMessage

SCIM response error.

{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],"detail":"organization is not found.","status":"404"}


Creation of a user with a domain name that is not registered with IIJ ID was attempted.


Change the domain of the ID (userName) of the IIJ ID User or register the domain with the IIJ ID.

Related pages
2.When the "Subject (subject)" or "External user name (externalUserName)" attribute is set to an IIJ ID User, "Upstream ID provider to which authentication is delegated (issuer)" needs to be configured

The following event is output to Event Viewer.

Log LevelMessage

SCIM response error.

{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],"detail":"Issuer is required when externalUserName or subject is specified.","scimType":"invalidValue","status":"400"}


When the "Subject (subject)" or "External user name (externalUserName)" attribute is set to an IIJ ID User, "Upstream ID provider to which authentication is delegated (issuer)" needs to be configured.


Take any of the following actions.

  • Configure iid.scim.attribute.user.default.idTokenClaims in the configuration file (config.yml)
  • Empty the "Subject (subject)" and "External user name (externalUserName)" attributes of the IIJ ID User
3.The external ID (externalId) you have attempted to set to the IIJ ID User is already used by another user

The following event is output to Event Viewer.

Log LevelMessage

SCIM response error.

{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],"detail":"externalId has already been taken","scimType":"uniqueness","status":"409"}


The external ID (externalId) you have attempted to set to the IIJ ID User is already used by another user.


Prevent duplication of the external ID or delete the user who is using the relevant external ID.
If the relevant user has already been deleted, there is a possibility that deprovisioning the user from linked services has not been completed.
In such a case, wait for at least one day before performing the deprovisioning process.

Related pages
4.The ID (userName) you have attempted to set to the IIJ ID User is already used by another user

The following event is output to Event Viewer.

Log LevelMessage

SCIM response error.

{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],"detail":"userName has already been taken","scimType":"uniqueness","status":"409"}


The ID (userName) you have attempted to set to the IIJ ID User is already used by another user.


Prevent duplication of the ID or delete the user who is using the relevant ID.
If the relevant user has already been deleted, there is a possibility that deprovisioning the user from linked services has not been completed.
In such a case, wait for at least one day before performing the deprovisioning process.

Related pages
5.The notification email address (email) of the IIJ ID User does not have an email address format

The following event is output to Event Viewer.

Log LevelMessage

SCIM response error.

{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],"detail":"Emails Value is not an iid email format.","scimType":"invalidValue","status":"400"}


The notification email address (email) of the IIJ ID User does not have an email address format.


Check the AD attribute set to iid.scim.attribute.user.ad_bind.emails.value in the config.yml configuration file and modify the format of the AD attribute value of the relevant user to an email address format.

6.Users having the same ID or external ID have not been deleted yet

The following event is output to Event Viewer.

Log LevelMessage

SCIM response error.

{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],"detail":"The user has not been hard-deleted yet.","scimType":"uniqueness","status":"409"}


Users having the same ID or external ID have not been deleted yet.

[ Note ]Users with ID Provisioning and Users Registered to Use SmartKey Authentication

Once a user has been deleted, the deprovisioning process is performed for the linked services.

You cannot create a user that has the same ID or external ID until the deprovisioning process is complete. (It takes at least one day for deprovisioning for SmartKey authentication to be complete.)


Perform synchronization on Directory Sync one more time after the user has been completely deleted.

7.Access token cannot be used

The following event is output to Event Viewer.

Log LevelMessage

SCIM response error.

{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],"detail":"Access token is not available","status":"401"}


Access token cannot be used.


Check the following points about iid.scim.token in the secret.yml configuration file.

  • Check whether a correct access token is described
  • Check whether the access token has expired
    • Whether a token has been revoked or not can be checked in Job History on IIJ ID Console.
8.Phone numbers (phoneNumbers) of IIJ ID Users are not in RFC3966 Global Numbers format

The following event is output to Event Viewer.

Log LevelMessage

SCIM response error.

{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],"detail":"Phone numbers Value is invalid format","scimType":"invalidValue","status":"400"}


Phone numbers (phoneNumbers) of IIJ ID Users are not in RFC3966 Global Numbers format.


Check the AD attribute set to iid.scim.attribute.user.ad_bind.phoneNumbers.value in the config.yml configuration file and modify the format of the AD attribute value of the relevant user to a Global Numbers format for RFC3966.