Term | Description |
A Record | A resource record that shows a correspondence between the host name and IPv4 address |
AAAA Record | A resource record that shows a correspondence between a host name and IPv6 address |
API | Stands for Application Programming Interface and refers to specifications of the interface that shares part of information or functions with the OS, software, and applications. |
CDS Record | A resource code having the same format and information with a DS record but having a different record type |
CNAME Record | A resource record that defines other names of a domain name and host name |
CSV Format | Text-based file format |
DDoS Attack | An attack that causes service outage through simultaneous accesses from many computers |
DNS | Stands for Domain Name System and refers to a system developed to manage and operate domain names on the internet |
DNS NOTIFY | A system that promptly requests zone transfer through the use of notifications |
DNSSEC | A system that assigns an electronic signature to DNS record information to validate that the information has not been tampered with |
DNS Server | A server that converts a domain name and IP address |
DS Record | DS stands for Delegation Signer, and a DS record is a resource record that references DNSKEY resource records in the child zone and is set in the parent zone. |
IP Address | An address for identifying computers connected to the internet, using Internet Protocol (IP) |
IPv4 Address | An address for identifying computers connected to the internet, using Internet Protocol (IP), whose format has four 8-bit fields separated by periods and is expressed in decimal notation of version4 |
IPv6 Address | An address for identifying computers connected to the internet, using Internet Protocol (IP), whose format has eight 16-bit fields separated by colons and is expressed in hexadecimal notation of version6 |
JSON Format | A data interchange format that uses JavaScript object notation |
KSK | Stands for Key Signing Key and refers to a key for signing the public key for DNSSEC |
NS Record | A resource record that specifies a name server managing the domain |
TLS | One of the methods for encrypting data and sending/receiving the data on the internet |
TSIG | A system that prevents the manipulation of information at the time of zone transfer |
Reserve Lookup | Checking the domain name that corresponds to an IP address with the use of DNS |
Query | Expressing a data inquiry or request with respect to software by using a string in a certain format |
Control Panel | Web UI for managing zone information in this service |
Entry Method | A method that is defined at the beginning of the rule in the IIJ DNS Traffic Management Service |
Finalizer Method | A method that is defined at the end of the rule to return a DNS response in the IIJ DNS Traffic Management Service |
Endpoint | An element that defines the unit of DNS response in the IIJ DNS Traffic Management Service It consists of Endpoint Name, Comment, Statuses, Monitoring Target, RDATA, Response Ratio, Weight, Enable Endpoint, Remove Manually, Restore Manually, and Monitoring Items. |
Site | A bundle of multiple endpoints which is used for DNS response in the IIJ DNS Traffic Management Service |
Alive Monitoring | Monitoring normal operations of systems and services continuously and detecting failures and outages |
Forward Lookup | Checking the IP address and email server name corresponding to a domain name through the use of the DNS |
Secondary DNS | Synonymous with Secondary Name Server |
Secondary Name Server | An authority server in the copy destination for acquiring zone data using zone transfer. Multiplexing authority servers allows users to achieve load distribution and redundancy. |
Zone | Unit of management in the DNS. A zone is generated by being delegated. A delegated zone is managed by the authority server of the delegation destination. |
Zone Transfer | One of the methods for synchronizing zone information among authority servers |
Zone File | File that expresses resource records in which to define zone information, in text format |
Zone Proxy | A function that transfers zones from a customer’s authority name server to a Managed DNS Server in the IIJ Managed DNS Service |
Domain Name | One of the identifiers for uniquely identifying a network or computer on the internet A target is described using a string formed by connecting names (labels) with dots, such as "" A domain name is used as a part of a URL or email address. |
Host Name | A unique name for identifying devices and services on a specific network |
Traffic | Refers to the flow of information on a network as well as the amount of the information. |
Name Server | A server specified by an NS resource record. It generally refers to an authority server. It can also refer to a server that provides DNS services. In this case, not only authority servers but also full-service resolvers (cache DNS servers) are included. |
Hidden Master (hidden master) | A primary name server that cannot be accessed from an external source. It is also called "shadow master" or "hidden primary." |
Primary DNS | Synonymous with Primary Name Server |
Primary Name Server | An authority server to be the source for zone transfer. Multiplexing authority servers allows users to achieve load distribution and redundancy. |
Port Number | A number for identifying a service in communication using TCP/IP |
Label | Each part of a string separated by dots that makes up a domain name |
Record | An abbreviated name for a resource record A record contains information associated with a domain name. There are many record types. For each type of record, its role and rules for description are determined. |
Registrar (Designated Business Operator) | An organization that accepts applications for registering domain names from individual registrants and registers information with the domain name database (registry database) based on requests from registrants |
Registry | An organization (registration management body) that registers and assigns internet resources such as domain names, IP addresses, and AS numbers |
One-time Password | A password that is issued at regular time intervals and can be used only once as well as an authentication system that use such a password |