Logging in to DOX

DOX performs authentication of accounts based on account names and passwords. Once logged in, you will see the screen matching to the roles and the access control setting of your account. Menus and screens displayed differ depending on the rights granted to the specific account.

  1. Enter your host name’s URL (e.g. https://example.dg.dox.jp/w/project/) into the address bar of your web browser.
  2. Enter your account name and password.

    Account Name 
    Your account nameuser01
    Password for your account 

    Click “Login”.

  3. The project list appears.
    Select the project to use.

    [ Note ]

    •  If the password has expired, the screen in Step 5 appears. Set a new password.

  4. The DOX main screen will appear.
    You may now use DOX based on the access rights of your account. 

  5. If the password has expired, the "Password Setting" page will appear after successfully logging in.
    Enter the following items. 
    Current PasswordEnter the current password.
    New PasswordEnter a new password.
    New Password (Retype)Retype the same password to confirm it.

    Click “Modify”.

  6. The "Password Setting Completed" page appears.

  7. Revert to Step 2