Troubleshooting day-to-day problems

Q. I cannot access DOX.


Verify that both your account and password are correct.
Some proxy servers may prevent the use of DOX.
Please try disabling the proxy if the problem persists.

Q. I cannot access a project.


You may not be a member of the project.
To join a project, you must be added as a member to the group for the corresponding project from “Manage Group”.

 Access permission address settings may also be improperly configured.
Edit the address settings for access permission in “Allow Access Address Setting”.

Q. I cannot upload files.


If you are unable to upload a file to a particular project, you may have exceeded the project’s quota amount(storage usable by a project).
Please delete unnecessary files and folders to free up space.
Access control setting also may prevent the file upload to particular folders.

Q. I accidentally deleted all access control on the folder. Now I can no longer access the folder. What can I do to recover access to the folder?


Accounts with “Access Control Setting” role can access any folder regardless of the access rights.
Log in using the accounts with “Access Control Setting” and reset the access setting on the folder.

Q. Some folders in a project do not appear.


Those folders may have access control set. Please verify the access control settings from "IIJ Service Online".

Q. I cannot download the file attachment through the URL link in the mail message. Why do I receive an error message, "Onetime URL has become invalid"?


File attachment's effective period may have expired. Please contact the sender of the message.