Password Authentication (User Setting Password) Setting

You can configure the operation when selecting Password Authentication (User Setting Password).

  1. Click "User Setting Password Setting"

  2. Set a password when Password Authentication (User Setting Password) is selected.


    New Password
    (single byte, 8 to 30 characters)

    Enter a new password using single-byte characters.
      -  A string consisting of 8 to 30 characters
      -  Characters that can be used are as follows:
          - Lowercase alphabetic characters from 'a' to 'z'
          - Uppercase alphabetic characters from 'A' to 'Z'
          - Numeric characters from '0' to '9'
          - The following symbols:
               " # $ % & ' * + , - . / : ; = < > ( ) [ ] { } ? @ ^ _ ` | ~ ! 

    [ Note ]

    • No spaces are allowed
    • Using a string that is the same as the account is not allowed
    • Using a string that is the same as the original password is not allowe

    New Password (Retype)Enter the new password again.

    Click "Modify"

  3. The setting completion screen appears.

    Click "Back to List" to return to the previous screen.