Default Settings for Compose Mail

Configure the settings for uploads via IIJ Secure MX Service and DOX Link Feature. The settings also become the default settings in Web mail’s “Compose Mail” page.

Authentication MethodSelect one from "Password Authentication (User Setting Password)," "Password Authentication (Random Password)," "DOX Authentication," and "No Authentication."
Password Authentication (User Setting Password)Set the default password used when selecting Password Authentication (User Setting Password).
Password Authentication (Random Password)Set how to give notice of the password when selecting Password Authentication (Random Password).
Read Receipt MailSelect “Do not notify” or “Notify”
Effective PeriodYou can specify 1 day to either 7 days or 14 days. After the valid period is exceeded, you can no longer access files.
Allowed Open CountSet a number between 1 and the maximum.
URL becomes inaccessible once the download count exceeds the limit.
The maximum count can be changed in "Manage/View" under "Misc".