Creating Upstream ID Providers in the IIJ ID Service 

  1. Click "System" and then "Upstream ID Provider Management."

  2. Click "Add New Upstream ID Provider."

  3. Configure the settings using the following example and then click "Add Upstream ID Provider."

    Upstream ID provider nameExample: Azure AD
    Authentication protocolOpenID Connect
    Client IDConfigure "Application ID" with the correct value.
    Client secretEnter the "new password" generated under "Application secret."
    Claim to represent user identifierspreferred_username
    Authentication flowSelect "Authorization Code Flow."
    Request scopes
    • openid
    • profile

    Endpoint settings

    Get data from the Discovery endpoint{directory ID}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration

    Refer to "Verifying Directory IDs" for more information on retrieving directory IDs.

    Issuer identifier (issuer)(in accordance with the Discovery endpoint information)
    Authorization endpoint (authorization_endpoint)(in accordance with the Discovery endpoint information)
    Token endpoint (token_endpoint)(in accordance with the Discovery endpoint information)
    URL of the JSON Web Key Set (jwks_uri)(in accordance with the Discovery endpoint information)
    Userinfo endpoint (userinfo_endpoint)(in accordance with the Discovery endpoint information)
  4. Copy the "Redirect URL" as it will be needed in the next procedure.