Exporting FIDO2 Security Keys (CSV)

This page describes how to export the information on security keys registered by users in CSV format.

  1. Click "FIDO2 Security key List (CSV)" in "Report."
  2. Click "Export File." The following table lists the information contained in CSV files.

    uuidUnique identifier used by the system01234567-89ab-cdef-ghij-klmnopqrstuvwxyz
    aaguidUnique identifier (AAGUID) of the types of security keys
    Refer to "AAGUID" for information on AAGUID.
    product_nameProduct name of the security keyTouch ID
    login_idUser IDiij-taro@example.jp
    labelName of the security keyOffice laptop PC
    created_atRegistration day2021-04-24T18:3:45 PM+09:00
    last_used_atDay of final use2021-04-24T18:3:45 PM+09:00