An AAGUID (Authenticator Attestation Global Unique Identifier) is an identifier for FIDO2 security keys.

How to assign AAGUIDs varies depending on the security key vendor. In general, however, the same AAGUID is assigned to security keys whose product type and firmware are the same.

[ Reference ]

To non-FIDO2-compliant security keys (for example, U2F-compliant security keys), "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" is set as the AAGUID.

For AAGUIDs assigned to security keys, contact the manufacturing vendor. Some manufacturing vendors release AAGUIDs on their websites.

Manufacturing vendorURLComments
Yubicohttps://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016648959-YubiKey-Hardware-FIDO2-AAGUIDsThe URL is that as of April 16, 2021.