Creating Active Directory User that Executes Directory Sync in IIJ Directory Service for Microsoft

This section describes the procedure to create an Active Directory user for scheduled Directory Sync executions.

Creating an Active Directory user consists of two steps.

1. Create a user in Active Directory

Create a user with domain administrator privileges in Active Directory.

2. Request the granting of logon privileges as a batch job

Your Operations Manager for IIJ Directory Service for Microsoft should email a request in the following format that the service support team grant logon privileges as a batch job.

[ Reference ]

  • Refer to the User’s Guide for IIJ Directory Service for Microsoft for more information on the service support team.
  • Contact the IIJ Directory Service for Microsoft support team for inquiries about this request.

Subject: バッチジョブとしてのログオン権限の付与依頼(dsmXXXXXXX)

IIJ IDサービスのDirectory Syncを実行するため、

■サービスコード: dsmXXXXXXXX
・OU: ドメイン直下のOU=Users